he CEQ presents a distinctive model for student residential living, education and development. Opening in the fall of 2024, the building will sit at the southwest corner of Sixth Avenue and Broad Street in Grinnell, offering an apartment-style living option at the intersection of campus and downtown for Grinnell College students. The first floor of the CEQ south tower will be home to a pavilion that is dedicated to civic innovation. Members of the College and the larger Grinnell community can gather in that space for dialogue, exchange, and collaborative brainstorming on community engagement work, which has been a long tradition at the College.
Grinnell, IO
El Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM) es la corporación de derecho público que representa y defiende los intereses profesionales de los arquitectos de Madrid y salvaguarda los valores culturales y medioambientales de la Arquitectura en beneficio de la sociedad.
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