OPTA ARQUITECTOS S.L.P. is an interdisciplinary architecture design office based in Madrid. For more than three decades it has realized architectural projectsworks all around Spainin other countries. Due to its international focus, it strongly believes that the unique character of a site, a programa client sets a new encouraging starting point for each project. OPTA ARQUITECTOS work embraces different scalestypes,large singular projects to highly detailed interventions. Noteworthy is its proven experience in Transport, RetailOffice architecture, some of which are winning projects in privatepublic competitions. His work has also been publishedrecognized with international awards The office regularly takes part in post graduate programsuniversity teaching, developing architectural researchpermanent training. OPTA ARQUITECTOS emphasizes sustainable building as the essence of architecture which leads each projectthe preliminary sketches to the work on site.
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El Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM) es la corporación de derecho público que representa y defiende los intereses profesionales de los arquitectos de Madrid y salvaguarda los valores culturales y medioambientales de la Arquitectura en beneficio de la sociedad.
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