We are a collective of [MANY] architects and designers that originates in Madrid and New York [MA-NY] and expands worldwide to form a dynamic, responsive network of designers and professionals. We seek multiple influences and sources of inspiration - including nature, art, fashion, sports, even YouTube - to generate diverse responses to each architectural project. We are devoted to learning about the public and our world through widespread sources, methods, and philosophies, to generate pragmatic but innovative design concepts for our work. We believe each project is a unique opportunity to evaluate its various contextual and functional constraints. Our progressive attitude lies in our ability to interpret the specific challenges and opportunities for each distinct project. We believe each new building or design project has the potential to redefine, underscore, amplify and celebrate the myriad identities and conditions that comprise it.
El Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM) es la corporación de derecho público que representa y defiende los intereses profesionales de los arquitectos de Madrid y salvaguarda los valores culturales y medioambientales de la Arquitectura en beneficio de la sociedad.
Por error temporal de funcionamiento ajeno al COAM el servicio de Portal de Empleo se encuentra suspendido. Volverá a estar operativo en breve una vez se haya subsanado este problema.
Disculpen las molestias.