Adam Bresnick · architects is a multi-disciplinary design practice. Based in Madrid, Spain for more than twenty years our work encompasses residential commercial, interiors landscape, furniture design historic preservation, with a focus on a comprehensive approach to design. This range of scales includes urbanismcity planning, building interior design construction itself, where ideas are transformed into reality. The interdependence of these different scales makes our work unique. Our combined experience includes work in Russia, Romania, Switzerland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Turkeythe United States. Collaborations with other architectsdesigners make the practice an open venue capable of adapting to different strategies local cultures. This built activity is enhanced by a dedication to academics, with the principal teaching at local universities.
El Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM) es la corporación de derecho público que representa y defiende los intereses profesionales de los arquitectos de Madrid y salvaguarda los valores culturales y medioambientales de la Arquitectura en beneficio de la sociedad.
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